RESULTS: Flyquest Play Spoilers, Take Down Cloud9 in Lead Up To Playoffs

Zac Cameron,

March 18, 2018 7:00 PM

While Flyquest are not going to be making playoffs this split, that doesn't mean they aren't prepared to play spoiler to the top teams, taking down Cloud9 on the last day of the NA LCS regular season.

When a team is knocked out of playoffs it often doesn’t feel like the games really matter that much, though for this match Flyquest seemed determined to prove that just because they wouldn’t be competing in the post season, doesn’t mean they aren’t capable of securing the wins.

First blood went to Flyquest as an early skirmish in the jungle cost Cloud9’s jungler Dennis “Svenskeren” Johnsen his life. Both teams backed off from the aggression for a time, before Cloud9 made the decision to attack the bot lane, gaining a kill and taking down the turret. A large team fight broke out around the dragon area, but both teams were able to withdraw without any casualties. After resetting the map, Flyquest moved down and secured the Dragon.

Another team fight breaks out over the Rift Herald that results in a one for one trade before Flyquest secure the buff. With so much attention on the top half of the map, Flyquest take the time to move bot and secure their Second Dragon of the game. Both teams return to the top half of the map looking for vision control of the Baron, and a skirmish that starts results in two kills for Cloud9 as Flyquest are forced to withdraw. When Cloud9 push in the mid lane, a Flyquest engage results in two kills, at the cost of their mid laner. With the teams now unbalanced on the field, Flyquest make the call to rush the Baron, securing the buff at the cost of their recently respawned mid laner.

Both teams take the opportunity to reset the map, with Cloud9 pushing out the top lane while Flyquest take down their third Dragon. After catching out several members of Cloud9 and claiming two kills, Flyquest use the power of the Baron buff to push out multiple lanes to try and gain a lead. After again catching out the bot lane duo of Cloud9, Flyquest are able to attack the base directly, taking down the mid inhibitor to open up the base.

As both teams look to secure vision around the Baron pit, Flyquest catch out both Cloud9 tanks, taking them down to ensure a free objective. As both teams look to contest the next Dragon, a team fight breaks out in the bot lane that takes many members of both teams quite low, but only costs Cloud9 the life of their jungler. When another fight breaks out in the mid lane, the teams manage to trade one for one before being forced to withdraw. As the teams look for positioning in preparation for the spawning of Baron and the Elder Dragon, Flyquest manage to take down four members of Cloud9, leaving no defence as they rush the base and end the game.

For more action from the NA LCS, check out the games from yesterday, where TSM secured their playoff spot by taking down the Golden Guardians, and for more information on the current situation of the NA LCS ladder, check out the Official Standings page, here.


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