RESULTS: Team Liquid Take Down Cloud9 to Secure Playoffs

Zac Cameron,

March 17, 2018 10:50 PM

With the playoffs picture still in doubt for the NA LCS, this victory by Team Liquid over Cloud9 certainly put many minds at ease.

With this victory, Team Liquid have secured their place in the playoffs, while also causing doubt on which teams will secure the first round byes. Here’s a brief breakdown of the match.

Cloud9 secured first blood in a skirmish around mid-lane, before rotating to secure the first Dragon. When Liquid moved to contest, they found themselves cut off, and while they traded back a kill, they lost two more members in the process.

When Cloud9 attempted to invade the jungle of Liquid, they were quickly collapsed upon, resulting in a kill and vision control of the Dragon for Team Liquid. As a fight erupted in the bot lane, Liquid were able to respond much quicker, taking down more members of Cloud9 and securing the Dragon.

Team Liquid continued to press their advantage in the bot lane, pushing up and ambushing Cloud9’s bot lane duo to pick up two more kills. After catching out Cloud9 in the mid lane, Liquid pull back and secure the next Dragon to extend their lead.

As both teams battled for vision control around Baron, Liquid were able to catch out Cloud9, taking down their top laner before a team fight causes Cloud9 to lose three more in exchange for a single kill, and Team Liquid walk away with the Baron buff.

When Cloud9 attempt to rush down the Dragon, Liquid quickly collapse onto them, taking down four members and stealing away the Dragon before rushing down the base of Cloud9. Team Liquid take down multiple turrets and an inhibitor before making the call to rush the Nexus, ending the game before Cloud9 could rally their defences.

For more NA LCS action, check out how Echo Fox brought in new blood to take down Flyquest, and to see how the teams of the NA LCS are stacking up against one another, check out the Official Standings page, here.


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